
We have provided links to resources for you to access extra help. The material here is mostly free and provided by established, well regarded organisations.

Fact sheets and resources on depression, anxiety and much more.

Information on depression, bipolar disorder and stress management available at the Black Dog Institute.

Information and online treatment for a variety of problems: chronic worrying, panic, shyness, anxiety, perfectionism, procrastination, health anxiety, self-esteem, assertion. All available from the Centre for Clinical Interventions  – a specialist public mental health service.
Referral information is available on their website and your doctor can refer to CCI and/or us.

Your GP can refer you to CCI for free treatment programs and individual counselling.

OCD online treatment is available through ThisWayUp and can be accessed for free with a prescription from us or your doctor.

Headspace for 12-25 yr olds

Youthfocus for 12-25

For crisis services visit the Act Belong Commit website

For health advice and information call 1800 022 222

We use evidence based psychological interventions.